WellWiki.org is a groundbreaking solution to the problem of information access and transparency related to data on oil and gas development. While in many cases some data on wells is publicly available, interested parties face an arcane and obscure process for accessing it which deters many from pursuing the information they need. WellWiki.org solves this problem, providing access to information in an easy-to-use format available to all, and has been successful across North America. Using WellWiki, Albertans can now access centralized information about any well in the province by searching well name, region, operating company name, municipality, license status, and other details.
WellWiki was recently expanded to include an advanced well search page – a functional search feature specifically designed with and for realtors. This new search interface uses the township system of meridian, range, township, and section to better align with the way realtors identify locations according to legal land descriptions.

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