Healthy Homes & Healthy Communities Toolkit
By University of Alberta, Centre for Healthy Communities

The COVID-19 pandemic and related public health have drawn people’s attention to how critically important their homes, neighbourhoods, and communities are to their health. Public health works proactively to create the conditions for long-term recovery by focusing not only on the disease but on promoting the health of people. Healthy people are the foundation of a healthy economy.
The Healthy Homes & Healthy Communities Toolkit is a user-friendly website, informed by engagement with real estate professionals, planners and developers, consumers, and municipalities. The toolkit identifies nine common factors that support healthy homes and healthy communities. The nine key factor pages summarize key points and terms, highlight sample criteria and recommendations, and connect to existing supports and programs. Each of these nine factors is aligned with three key societal areas of concern: environmental stewardship, economic recovery, and COVID-19 pandemic recovery.
This project was funded in 2020 through the Foundation’s Grant Program.

University of Alberta, Centre for Healthy Communities
The Centre for Healthy Communities works with diverse partners and collaborators to advance the wellbeing and sustainability of communities.