Calgary Project 2.0
THE CALGARY PROJECT: urban form / urban life (by Sandalack and Nicolai), was a national award-winning book published in 2006 by the University of Calgary Press. It is a richly-illustrated examination of urban development in Calgary up to 2005. Widely consulted and used by urban professionals, academics and students, it soon sold out its initial run of 1,000 copies and has not been updated. The goal of The Calgary Project 2.0 is to revise the 2006 book and update it so that it captures and reflects the past 14 years of Calgary’s development, in order to provide a resource to help guide the city into the next decades of the 21st century. The Calgary Project 2.0 will focus on the most recent chapter of the city’s history and discuss projections for its growth and development. It will add to the discussion about Calgary’s future and its urban quality, in order to aid citizens, developers, realtors, planners and design professionals, academics and policy makers in articulating a vision of the desirable future of the city.
Amount Funded
Year Funded
Funding Priority
Built Environment: Understand and improve the sustainability and livability of the physical and social aspects of our human-made environment.
University of Calgary, School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape
With a rich, interdisciplinary design-based philosophy, an entrepreneurial mindset and a proven commitment to working with industry stakeholders, our students are prepared for meaningful professional careers that make a real, long-lasting difference.
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