Housing Law Information Project
The Housing Law Information Project from the Centre for Public Legal Education Alberta (CPLEA) will be the best source of easy-to-understand, accessible, and accurate legal information in Alberta about being a landlord or a tenant; buying, selling, or owning a condominium, including being on a condo board; and buying, selling, and owning a home.
This project will provide vital information to Albertans online, in print, and in-person on:
- Renting a home – CPLEA’s Residential Tenancies Legal Information Project has provided up-to-date, plain language information on residential tenancies law for Albertans since 2000. There are currently 37 free renting publications available through our very successful website www.landlordandtenant.org.
- Condo ownership – The Condominium Law Education Project began in 2016 after extensive consultation with the industry. Condo Law provides free plain language information on condominium law in Alberta. There are currently 22 Condo Law publications available through www.condolawalberta.ca. AREF funding has supported the work of
updating all resources to match new regulations brought in as a result of recent substantial changes to the Condominium Property Act - Homeownership – CPLEA will create plain language information about the many legal aspects of homeownership. Purchasing a home is one of the most significant contracts that a person will ever enter into in their lifetimes. The process of buying a home engages the law via legal documents, the land titles system, lending, and lawyers involved. Legal issues and disputes can also arise during and after the home purchase process. Whether backing out of a deal or defaulting on future mortgage payments, there are legal consequences when a home purchase or homeownership goes wrong.
Real Estate Leadership – Improve the capacity and understanding of real estate professionals and/or consumers on real estate issues.
Amount Funded
Year Funded
Funding Priority
Real Estate Leadership: Build and elevate the capacity of real estate and related professionals to keep pace with the massive changes facing the real estate industry today and into the future.

Centre for Public Legal Education (CPLEA)
CPLEA creates resources that help people understand their rights and obligations under the law. We strive to improve both access to justice and the quality of justice available to Albertans.
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